There’s nothing like a snowstorm as incentive to stay warm and cozy inside and get stuff done around the house, I say!
Last weekend: painting.
This weekend: Furniture building.
Yep, as I mentioned before … in an effort to keep this makeover budget-friendly … we are using Ikea furniture until we are ready to splurge on built-ins … so that that means some good old fashioned elbow-grease! Dan and I were cracking up at the “pictures-only” directions. Each set of directions started off with a picture of one chubby man with an X over him. Then an arrow pointing to a picture of 2 chubby men. So I guess we were the 2 chubby men and we got to work.
TWO days worth of building! We must have done a good job though because after school both boys raced inside and this is where I found them …
(But wait … here was the before …)
Even if you have a virtual office address, you still need to have a space where you can work at. And with your tips, anybody can create such an area without breaking the bank.