I just received the latest issue of Veranda, featuring The House of Windsor … their first ever Concept House in Los Angeles. It features the designs of Windsor Smith and 9 other talented designers.
Of course, the whole house is stunning, but two of my favorite spaces are the Master Bath and the … stable. Yep, that’s right. I said stable.
But first, the bathroom …
Somehow, bathroom just doesn’t seem like right word for this space does it? Kind of a Bathing Lounge …
It’s feminine. It’s masculine. It’s perfect. If this were my bathroom, my family wouldn’t see me for days.
And on to the stable …
Isn’t it fun? It’s just a simple outbuilding on the lot “connected to the main house via a crunchy gravel path.”
It was designed by Kathryn Ireland and I love her quote about the project.
(Excerpted from Veranda) ” Everyone needs a place to get away … Someone could paint here, or take a nap, or have a friend over for a glass of wine. The point is, it’s a little imperfect – you don’t worry about spilling things, and you don’t have to walk around wearing kid gloves.”
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have something like this in your own backyard? (Complete with the horse peeking in the window of course!)
Again, Thank you for your kind words. This is actually one of our 'Vintage Modern' reproductions that are exact casting taken from our original antique bathtubs but updated in new materials for the look and feel of an antique!
Thanks again, Daniel @ The Bath Works